Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shall We Get Started?

Topic: Break-ups to Make-ups!
Author: Love Blogger SG 

Hello Friends!

I'm here to help you try to solve your current break-ups and unhappy relationship situations. I have plenty of experience helping my friends, family and in a past life, myself in this department. Thankfully, we've come out of some tough situations with our hearts intact and in most cases our exes wanting us back.
If you really want to get that special someone back into your life, I can certainly help you! I've seen many exes come crawling back almost on their hands and knees, not just in my personal life, but also in some of my closest friend’s love lives as well. If you follow my instructions, you will most likely be kissing and making up with your ex sometime in the near future. Before we begin, there are a few things I have to warn you about.
In the end, most of my friends realized that the one they won back wasn't exactly the right fit for them and decided to move on. Next!
Another small but crucial bit of knowledge you must know is that this process rarely works overnight. It could take days, weeks, months, even years for them to throw away their pride, depending on the level of stubbornness we have on our hands. I’m sure you know where I’m coming from here. 
I'm surely not making any guarantees. I’m not a psychiatrist, and I don’t claim to be any kind of love doctor, but unless your ex has decided that they're playing for the other team, the strategies that I've shared with my closest friends and family are about 90% successful. Now I'd like to share my knowledge and strategies with you. I look forward to helping you turn your situation around. Together, we should have your ex begging you to come back to them sooner rather than later! Shall we begin?
The Love Blogger Questionaire:
Tell me what’s been happening with your love life.
When did you start to notice things weren’t the same?
What sorts of behaviors from your special someone is leading you to believe that your relationship may be over?
Has your special someone broken up with you?
How did they tell you they wanted to break up?
Have they told you any reason for the breakup or for the change in their behavior? If so, what’s their story?
How many times a day do you try to contact them without success? Be honest please.
What do they say to you when you’re able to reach them?
Where do you want things to go from here?
How willing are you to follow through with my advice? Hint: Your level of willingness has to be pretty high for you to be successful in winning them back. It takes strength and an unbelievable amount of will power.
You can leave your love concerns as well as your answers to my questionaire in a comment, or send it over to my email address: I will respond to inquiries through comments, emails and some will be posted here on my blog.